A Globo não honrou com a grana e a categoria não vem mais. Não havia tempo hábil para arranjar outro patrocinador. Uma pena. É a Globo sempre dando uma força para o automobilismo, seja não passando treino da F1 quando cai no horário do Luciano Huck, seja colaborando para acabar com o automobilismo nacional. É engraçado a Stock Car mendigando poucos minutos na Tela da globo. Isso é Brasil, infelizmente.
Interlagos Round Cancelled!
Notice posted under Race News on 27 June 2009 by Dan Collins
It is with great regret that Historic Formula One announces the cancellation of the championship round at the Interlagos circuit in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
HFO was informed on the afternoon of Friday 26th June that the event organisers had contacted the FIA to cancel the event.
It is HFOs understanding that the main sponsor, Globo TV, was unable to finance the event in the current economic climate.
With such short notice and commitments required well in advance of such an event, there is insufficient time to secure any alternative arrangements.
Many teams had already booked flights for personnel, preparations for the trip were well advanced and all HFOmembers involved were looking forward to the unique opportunity to race in Brazil in front of the very enthusiastic fans.
We hope the opportunity will return in the future.